SMS communication

Even though SMS communication is now one of the most fruitful marketing channels. But as more entrepreneurs are adopting this proven strategy, they’re also being discouraged by certain myths and rumors.

Here, we’ll be looking at 6 common myths about SMS marketing, and we’ll be debunking them with real truths. It is very important that you know these, lest you hesitate to apply a magical strategy due to your fear of problems that never existed.

1. TEXT marketing is a spamming activity:

No, it isn’t, as long as you are following the given below rules:

You have explicitly taken permission from your contacts to fire text messages to them.
You provide an opt-out option in your SMS messages.
You are sending messages from a familiar number.

2. SMS Campaigns = Business Promotions:

SMS don’t always have to be used to send marketing messages or promotions. You can use text messages to get feedback from your customers and to provide better customer service. An Open Market article states a majority of Millennials prefers businesses use text messaging, instead of calling, for customer service because they don’t like to talk on the phone.

3. SMS is impersonal and cold:

Once again, this is not true. It however depends on your message as well as how you present it. If you send a message that does not appeal to the needs of your recipients, expect no responses or results. Likewise, if you send a message that sounds too fake to be true, expect no result as well. Remember, the more you personalize your messages, the better they will perform.

4. Internet marketing is better than SMS marketing:

This may be true to some extent – but only in advanced countries where almost everyone surfs the internet daily.

But in rest of the Nations, a greater fraction of the population does not know how to surf the net. And those who surf the web don’t do so on a frequent basis.

No doubt, the best avenue through which you can reach prospects is by SMS. People take their phones everywhere, and they read all text messages. So, SMS marketing will spread word of your business faster and farther than the highly demanding internet marketing.

5. Only Big Organizations use bulk SMS: 

Another common myth about SMS marketing is that it only works for established and trusted businesses and brands. But the truth is, the strategy can work for every business, regardless of the size and age.

The main reason why people read SMS from the “big” businesses is that such businesses are trusted. (Of course, no one would like to do business with an unknown company.) If you start by building trust and establishing your brand, you’ll also get great results from SMS marketing.

6. SMS marketing is interruptive and intrusive: 

SMS marketing can be causing disruption or annoyance, when you reach to wrong contacts or when your messages are not valuable. So, make sure every message you send to your recipients delivers a differentiated value. Instead of sending same text messages to all your subscribers, it is highly recommended that you focus on creating highly targeted messages that will interest your recipients.

We hope you find this article interesting and useful. Please keep on sharing your feedback. We are glad to talk with you.
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