GK Web Developers e-Care School ERP Software plays a vital role in streamlining the day to day task of schools. Our ERP software is flexible in nature & it can easily manage all the aspects & functionalities of school organization. It is developed by cutting edge technology & it provides an integrated platform for all the students, teachers, administration & other school staff members. Our educational ERP software is a web based application system & user can easily access from anywhere by login user ID & password. With the help of our school software, school administration can keep a close watch on the staff member’s work function & brings transparency in the system. It has integrated school ERP software & is customized according to the user’s requirement.

Our e-Care school ERP system has centralized database system & it helps in the quick access of data. It reduces the communication gap among teachers, parents & administration. Our school software has various facilities like online registration, easy follow-up & keeping record on a real time basis. It enhanced the capability, productivity & efficiency of the schools.


GK Web Developers mobile application is a smart tool and a complete and comprehensive package which includes all ERP facilities at one place. Elegant and eye-catching features enable you to get all information of your child instantly. You can easily view photo gallery, read notices, view paintings, communicate with teachers and lot more.

GK Web Developersmobile app is a smart tool, a complete and comprehensive package which brings all facilities at one place at fingertips for all users (School Management, Teachers, Parents and Students).

App comes with all latest communication features on your smart phone. It keeps students and parents updated all time with latest news, circular, attendance, fees, homework, classwork and more school stuff.

Franciscan’s ERP has been proven to be highly responsive over iOS, Windows and Android phones.

  • Applying leave of absence on behalf of your ward is easy with the app. You will get instant notification on your app of leave’s approval or rejection.
  • Instant push notification for all the messages
  • Easy view of photo albums after receiving updating SMS
  • Sequential log of all received SMS with sender’s image
  • Attendance, schedule, academic records, syllabus, conversation, assignments H.W etc. everything is now available on mobile app.
  • Website when opened through app on mobile, gives much optimized and concise look with better experience than PC or laptop browsing
  • Pay fees online using your mobile app sitting at home easily
  • View alerts and messages quickly
  • Personalized school app with school logo
  • Easy availability on App Store.
  • User friendly
  • Alert and pop-ups for new update
  • Quick and Secure
  • Single app for multiple account
  • Timely update with enhanced features
  • Circular, Assignment, Attendance, Result, Fee, Behavior, News, Homework, Activity Calendar, Gallery, Tasks, Birthday


The most important aspect of e-Care service is the communication portal which helps in bridging the gap between parents and teachers and reduces response time to parents’ queries. This panel is accessible 24×7, and is completely user-friendly.
Features of Online e-Care Portal for Parents and Students.
Parents can communicate with the teachers of their ward and get replies within 24 hours. Parents/students can view and download activity calendar, circulars, assignments, class test marks, transport details, time table, syllabus, birthdays of classmates and teachers & question bank.

Parents can submit online leave application and receive message on acceptance or rejection. Parents can edit their profile after approval from the admin. Parents can view the complete log of SMSes sent to their mobile and quickly reply to it. Parents/students can view all the books in the library with storage hint and can read many of the books online.

Parents/students can view their fee account and library account details online. Parents/students can view the report card and graphical analysis.
Parents/students can share their thoughts after getting approval from admin. Parents/students can read number of e-books available online and can play number of Kids’ e­ games.


Our SMS service provides the best way for schools to directly communicate with the parents. School administration can easily inform about school announcement, examination schedule, and absenteeism report to the parents by message alerts. This is a cost effective technology used by the school administration.

In the previous time, when school circular was printed in large number for distribution, it takes a lot of time. But now, using our Message service, it informs parents & guardians about their wards via messages. Schools can easily inform about an unscheduled holiday, events, new etc. that has to be declared due to unavoidable circumstances. It is easy, hassle free way to keep records of the student on a real time basis.


Fee collection of the school is the most important responsibility of the school. The GK Web DevelopersFee Software makes fee collection process hassle free. It offers flawless fee collection in definite way. GK Web DevelopersFee Software module is one of the most automated fee calculation modules available in the market. Apart from being automated it is flexible enough to accommodate the varying nature of fee payments that most of the institutions come across. Fee calculation is done on the basis of category selected for the students. The module automatically calculates the pending fees, previous fee payment details, deduction and concession if any applicable to the selected student. In addition to the above, the user is also provided the option to allow payment of more than one month/fee-cycle whichever applicable. User-defined fee structure and category can be maintained. Automated bill generation option enhances the system dependability. Fee receipt can be accepted by the system with few mouse clicks. At any point time user can check collection made and outstanding with single click.


  • Define and club various fee components for various groups, class etc. to generate a flexible fee structure.
  • Online/Offline fee collection facility.
  • Multiple collection mode – School/Bank.
  • Multiple payment mode – Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft/Credit Card/Debit card etc.
  • Online Payment facility with real time data option and strong acknowledge mechanism.
  • Multiple Type Fee collection option by a single module – School Type, Transport type, Miscellaneous Fee etc.
  • Define fees slabs with different ranges like quarterly, monthly, half yearly for different standard.
  • Linking the fees slabs to accounting ledgers so that on collection of fees, accounting receipts are generated with ease.
  • Facility to collect fine and provide discounts in fees.
  • Facility to provide concessions in fee as per the school requirement.
  • Display of fees remaining on part payment of fees.
  • Facility of collecting fees in parts and maintain the due remaining amount.
  • Generate and print receipts of fees along with manual / automated fees receipt no.
  • Easy to record the cheque no./Cash notes received in fees.
  • Create fees slab dynamically every year.
  • Direct link of data entry on receiving fees to accounts eliminating double data entry.
  • Print receipts automatically, eliminates pen and paper receipt making.
  • Role-based access and privileges (Different views and access for different user types)
  • Lock off the cash paid fees eliminating duplicate data entry.
  • Provides the facility to import the student fee details from Excel.
  • Fee book printing facility
  • SMS alert to defaulters
  • Petty Cash Management with Voucher/Receipt


Attendance Software is a software solution provided to school and colleges for managing employee’s attendance details. Integrated with Time Keeping System, Timetable Software and Payroll Software, this software helps in attendance records, substitution process and salary generation. Staff attendance can be managed using devices such as biometric/ RFID. Attendance data is auto-calculated by the software and can be shared easily with teachers.


  • Fetches records from Time Keeping System automatically
  • Compatible with Timetable software to process Substitution
  • Compatible with Payroll Software for Salary generation
  • Leave Management
  • Shift Management
  • Attendance record of staff in various forms
  • Late In late out management of staff


  1. Multiple Attendance Reports
    • Daily Attendance Report
    • Monthly Attendance Report.
    • Department wise Attendance Report and many more
    • Consolidated Attendance Report
  2. Late In Early Out Report
  3. Staff Shift Assigned Report

Note: – Any specific report can be developed on demand.


  1. Day wise attendance marking system
  2. Daily/Monthly/Yearly attendance reports
  3. Cumulative attendance records
  4. Percentage attendance
  5. SMS alert to absentees
    • Manage attendance of all the students and staff from one place.
    • Simple and easy interface for marking attendance of all students.
    • Facility to import and export the student attendance for a specific periods.


  • We provide Absentees Gum pads to Class Teachers to fill name of Absentees.
  • We provide Remarks Gum pads to all teachers, School Management and office staff to fill the details of SMS to be sent with the name of students.
  • Our team keeps a proper record of pads to avoid misuse of it.
  • Each pad contains 50 leaf and can be re-issued by the staff once finished.


This module handles everything from enrollment of students to making individual results of students. The real time analysis of academic reports of a student is most vital part of the education system. Our foolproof module named “MARKS SOFTWARE” is composed to provide a snapshot of students’ progress to all stakeholders just at a click. This module provides detailed reports of individual student or an entire class and identifies skills in need of remediation plus keeps track of the same. It has inbuilt strong system of analyzing PST (Personal Social Traits) and Co-scholastic activities. This module allows you to generate result of students for different examination and different types of exams during the year as oral, practical, written, etc.


Report card generation for CBSE institutions is made easy by following the regulations and automatic updates applicable from the CBSE board. It generates all the required reports (including assessment register, student marks card etc.)


  • Manage the results of the school students and keep a record of results of the students throughout the year.
  • You can enter marks of the students and can automate the generation of the school report card.
  • Multiple mark entry mode (subject wise, student wise etc.)
    • Marks & Grade Entry (Student wise, Subject wise)
    • Assignment Grade Entry
    • Descriptive Indicator Entry(CSA) (Activity wise, Student wise)
    • Descriptors Entry
    • Remarks Entry
    • Health Status Entry
    • Attendance Entry(Term-wise, Exam wise, Subject wise)
    • Self-Awareness Entry
    • School Reopen And Report Card Issue Date
    • Health Records Entry
  • Offline and Online Marks Entry
  • Compatible with both Marks and Grade entry
  • Entry locking system
  • Strong security and restricted access with username and password
  • Centralized database to avoid error
  • Customized and multiple designs of Report Cards
  • Report Card Folders
  • Online Report Card Display
  • Graphical Analysis of students and teachers
  • Data export facility in multiple formats
  • Auto produced reports for CBSE records


“Time Table” is a powerful tool for Automatic Scheduling of the timetable of a school. It’s fast and efficient timetabling algorithm, distributes the subjects and classes to the teachers and creates the best possible qualitative timetable. The tools provide powerful functions to handles all constraints like parallel allocation, consecutive allocation, preference layout, and version master etc. The drag-drop interface for making manual swapping and auto-substitution management is the USP of the application. Consequently, application minimizes time, efforts and resources used for manual creation and allocation. Reports Produced by the software e.g. Substitution list,

Teacher’s workload distribution, class wise time table, Teachers timetable helps school to have the information on the tips.


  • Easy work allotment method – both class wise and teacher wise
  • Multiple constraints Management including parallel allocation, consecutive periods, fixed periods and preference layout
  • Clubbing of different subjects/teachers/classes/smart class
  • Blocking and locking options can be easily utilized for the individual adjustments.
  • Time Table for resources like labs, playground, library etc. is generated simultaneously with the class timetable without clashes
  • Provision of manual swapping and automatic allocation of periods
  • Attendance can be marked manually or can be fetched from biometric machine which ease the process of marking substitution
  • Flexibility to mark substitution manually or automatically along with the teacher’s statistics.
  • User-friendly hence reduce the time involved in generation of time table
  • Automatic Timetable Scheduling
  • Customization & Flexibility
  • Optimal Resource Allocation
  • Saves time in marking substitution daily
  • Ways for getting different types of class wise and teachers wise timetable reports.


  • Complete syllabus of the school can be uploaded class wise
  • Syllabus is updated as per the exam patterns
  • Syllabus is updated in each new academic session
  • Syllabus files can be viewed online by accessing e-portals
  • Syllabus files can be downloaded in PDF formats
  • Parents & students are updated via SMS to download the available syllabus file
  • Changes can be made as per the school’s requirement
  • Class wise syllabus is available for students


  • Parents and students have 24/7 access to student grades
  • Progress Reports are available online to keep parents aware of academic progress
  • The benefits for you as parents are that you will be able to receive more detailed, more timely results
  • Parents/Students can access the soft copy of the report cards class wise
  • Offline Report cards can be uploaded anytime as per the client’s requirement
  • Report cards of all previously held exams
  • Report Cards can be viewed Online in e-Portals
  • Report cards can be downloaded in PDF format file
  • Previous years report cards of all students can be made available in portals


  • Various kinds of academic performance reports available in e-portals for parents and students
  • Easily downloadable 24×7
  • Monthly attendance/Yearly Attendance reports are available
  • Time Table reports
  • Class syllabus reports
  • Absenteeism reports
  • Library Books availability report
  • Library Book issue/return report
  • Student Fine report
  • Events/ academic calendar report
  • Past/previous examination class tests marks reports
  • Academic year Report cards in PDF files
  • Date sheets


  • An important section is provided in e-portals for circulars released by the school/college
  • Important information shared by the school/college for their stakeholders can be read online via circular
  • Circulars are provided in the school letter head
  • Easily viewable & downloadable PDF files in e-Portals
  • Circulars can be viewed and downloadable in Mobile App
  • School/College management can easily get the circular updated and deactivated 24×7


The birthday card is a new concept to convey birthday greetings to teachers and students, provides personal touch to the wishes. The cards are available in numerous designs and customized as per the user requirements.

The card consists of details like date of birth and images of students and teachers etc. These details are automatically fetched from the database and printed on the birthday cards.

The cards are distributed by the Principal generally during the assembly. The cards are printed in great quality with a professional design to convey a good impression.


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